Posts by Costas Damianou

Eric Martin

We have just received some sad news from Donald Bevan. Just learned that long-standing BMS member and one of my dearest friends, Eric Martin, passed away in hospital this morning (Saturday). Age 90. No further information is available at this time, will update as soon as we know anything. RIP Eric Martin

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Keith Bradbury

Keith Bradbury had passed away and is in a much more peaceful place. Keith was a long-standing member of the BMS and as well as President he was also for many years the Chairman of the BMS Council. He was a very respected magician during his performing career. I am sure we pass on our…

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How many times have I seen the act ‘Milton Woodward’s Wonder Bar with Millicent Cooper’ billed on old variety posters? It seemed to have been a very popular speciality act on the 1950s variety circuit. And how much did I know about Mr. Woodward and Miss Cooper? Very little. So I was delighted to receive…

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Mike Gancia

Mike Gancia had passed away and is in a much peaceful place. Mike joined the BMS  in 1967 and was twice President. He was also awarded the Gold Medal which is our highest honour. He was a superb close up magician and ranked very high in the British world of top performers and was an…

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AGM 2021

The AGM will be held on the Tuesday 30th March 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom. A link to the meeting will be sent to the members beforehand. If any member wishes to nominate someone for a post or role, please contact the secretary

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Magic Auction

Former BMS member Gary Preece sadly died in March age 56 and bequeathed all his magic to the BMS. Auctioneer will be Andy Kirk who did such a splendid job with the last sale. There are several hundred items for close-up, comedy, stage, children, large collection of varied silks and silk tricks, even an illusion…

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Your feedback needed!

Council are now busy putting together what we hope will be an exciting line up of lectures, club nights, competitions and events for 2019 – 2020. With that in mind we have a question for you all. Please take time and put your suggestions forward. Every single idea will be seriously considered. Here’s the question:…

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Kainoa Harbottle Lecture

YOUR COUNCIL IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE that we have now booked Kainoa Harbottle for September 10th 2019 — put it in your diary. Your council is working hard to make sure we get a great mixture of top quality performers and lecturers. All suggestions welcome. Please let Costas Damianou Or Andy Kirk know any ideas you have. Thanks ?

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